Preferential Option for the Poor

The "Option for the Poor and Vulnerable" is a key principle in Catholic Social Teaching (CST). This principle develops a preferential concern and care for the less fortunate in society. It highlights our moral obligation to prioritise the needs of the poor and vulnerable, helping address issues of poverty, inequality and social injustice. At our school, we encourage the children to work towards a just and compassionate society.


Across The Curriculum

The principles underlying this strand are reflected in various aspects of the curriculum, particularly in subjects like Citizenship, and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE). In Citizenship topics such as democracy, justice (including racial equity), and human rights all contribute to children's understanding. Discussions and activities highlight the importance of addressing poverty and supporting vulnerable individuals and communities. Specific units around British Values, with its focus on rights, responsibilities, respect and tolerance all support teaching. PSHE supports children's developing values of equality and fairness, while RHE support children in recognising and supporting their own and others' mental health challenges.

In addition, the History curriculum has a rich multi-ethnic lens which supports the children's understanding and empathy - that we are all created equal.


The school community came together during Advent to help those in our community who are less fortunate. We had an Advent Giving Calendar where our families donated items of food, clothing and toiletries which we then donated to the Muswell Hill Soup Kitchen. 

Thank you to everyone for your very generous donations.