Y2 Curriculum Information
Term: Spring 2025
Please read the curriculum information carefully below:
Home Learning:
Home learning is set on Google Classroom every Wednesday, this needs to uploaded and returned for the following Monday. Children will also practise their rapid recall target weekly and spellings. Homework activities will alternate between English and Maths. Please work with your child to complete the activities, but please don’t do it for them! In Year 2, we always remind the children to try their best even if they might make mistakes.
When we set writing activities, it would be best to get your child to write down their answers on a piece of paper and take a photo of it. This way we can make their spellings, handwriting and punctuation too.
Spellings will be set and available to view every Friday on Google Classroom. The children will then be tested in class every Friday morning so that they have a week to practice. It will be a mix of high frequency words and words linked to a phonics sound. Your child will receive a login and password to access Spelling Shed, a programme we are using to teach spellings. There will be games for them to access at home. Please encourage this at least once a week.
At OLM we use the Maths No Problem scheme. This scheme focuses on mastery of different mathematical concepts. This term we will be focusing on:
Mass We will be learning about mass in the context of kilograms and grams. They will learn how to read a scale, to compare the weight of different objects and to solve word problems relating to mass.
Temperature In this unit, pupils will gain experience in measuring temperature. They will learn about Celsius, how to read thermometers to help them understand, and they will look at the different kinds of temperatures we can measure
Pictograms We will learn how to read, interpret, analyse and construct their own picture graphs with confidence. Word Problems We will be looking at using addition and subtraction to help solve word problems. The bar model method emphasis in this unit focuses on modelling two different amounts by recognising what is the same about the two amounts (two equal bars) plus the difference (the greater amount). This is important for later constructions involving more complex problems.
Money We will learn how to show equal amounts of money and how to exchange money. By the end of the unit, we will be using bar modelling to calculate the total amount of money spent and then working out how much change is required from amounts below £100. 2D Shapes This unit focuses on 2D shapes and their different properties. It also explores how to draw shapes, make patterns with shapes and turn shapes using familiar language
Times Tables Pupils should know times tables: 2, 5, 3, 4 and 10s by the end of Year 2 Times Tables Pupils should know times tables: 2, 5, 3, 4 and 10s by the end of Year 2 |
Please ensure you continue to practice on your rapid recall targets as these are invaluable to your child’s mental arithmetic skills.
Times Tables
We will continue to practice the 2, 5 and 10 times tables until the children are completely confident in these. If you feel they are ready to move on, then please start practising the 3 and 4 times tables too. Please do practise these regularly. We have introduced the children to Times Table Rockstars and already sent home log ins. This is a fun way to motivate them to learn their tables. We will assign time during our Computing lessons to also support them.
We will be focussing the book called
Pattan's Pumkin by Chitra Soundur
Pattan's Pumpkin is a traditional Indian folktale about Pattan, a kind-hearted farmer, and his wife, Kanni. When a great flood threatens their village, Pattan grows a massive pumpkin and carves it into a boat to save his family, animals, and seeds. The story highlights themes of ingenuity, kindness, and living harmoniously with nature
Our grammar focus will be using commas to list nouns and to use adjectives before a noun.
In Year 2, we will continue the teaching of phonics, with a focus on consonant graphemes. We will also begin looking at the spellings of homophones, words that sound the same but have a different meaning and are spelt differently e.g. their and there, pair and pear
The children are read to daily by an adult and also have twice weekly sessions on a one to one basis. This is to ensure that children are exposed to a rich vocabulary and a chance to explore their understanding of a text. Please could parents support their child with reading by reading aloud to them but also ensuring children are reading to them independently for approximately 10 mins a day. It is important that children now work on their comprehension skills (understanding) so please do spend time discussing what you are reading and questioning your child about a text.
Handwriting- Write lower case letters correct size relative to one another.
Show evidence of diagonal & horizontal strokes to join.
Rooted in Love: Spring 1 Solidarity and Peace Spring 2 Community and Participation |
Geography Spring 1
Why is our world wonderful?
History Spring 2
.How did we learn to fly?
Class teachers will be teaching dance
Coach Costa will be teaching dodgeball and tag rugby
Mrs Edwards will be teaching children music every Tuesday.
Computing Systems & Networks Creating Media Digital Photography
Online Safety Smartie the Penguin - The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin is a series of six stories to help explore life online and understand how and when to ask for help
Art Spring 1
Painting and mixed media, life in colour
DT Spring 2 Cooking and Nutrition |
Spring 1
Use of Everyday Materials
Spring 2
Life Cycles and Death
How you can support your child’s learning:
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)
Information for parents- National Curriculum Tests
Phonics Screening:
This year, some children will be tested on their phonic sounds. Please find attached an example of a phonics screening test. You can find more resources uploaded to Google Classroom:
2022 Phonics screening check: pupils' materials - standard (publishing.service.gov.uk)